Thursday, June 9, 2011

Congratulations and thank you!

Well the last few days have been a roller coaster that included taking little man to the doctor to get his 4 year shots. He's feeling a bit under the weather, fever and everything, but nothing unusual for shot aftermath. Really, it's nothing Tylenol, reiki and a bit of TLC can't fix.

On another branch of the roller coaster is the fact that you guys are amazing! When I entered this contest, I did so on the principle that no one should be silenced. You guys put on your boots and took that to the voting polls! You not only put on your boots, you handled yourselves with grace in the face of blatant hate speech. RESPECT! I know that there were many other moms of all faiths who agreed with this principle and also voted for pagan blogs as well. Thank you to all of you for your votes and patience with the vote reminders.

Congratulations to all bloggers who entered the contest!

Congratulations to the top 25!


Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom
Women Living Well
I Take Joy


  1. I found your blog via this contest so I'm delighted that you were in it. Thanks for jumping in there and representing the community. I'm in to Reiki as well and would love to hear more about your thoughts on it. I'll have to search your blog.

    Thanks again & Congrats!

  2. I wish I hadn't missed most of the contest! dangit. I did vote for you tho on the first day then we've been moving the past 2 weeks. All settled now. It's absolutely awesome that a pagan blog won the contest. I love it!!
