Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A well deserved pox!

There is some serious wicked evil headed our way. It is named fundamentalism. In it's current form it is seeking to tell women that we must carry their children and/or die trying. Terry England senator from Georgia is just one of these men who think that women are just brood mares to their penis. He invokes the name of God on the floors of congress as though it should mean something in a place where personal belief is supposed to be put aside to perform the work of the people. The alarming part of this is that Terry England defends his position by quoting another religious fanatic then drags out a quote from the Bible to make it all ok. He did this in the Hall of Georgia Congress! This is not just a religious battle. This is literally a declaration of war on women! People of Georgia may: I suggest you fire this man from his job and any other person who neglect to mind the separation of church and state? It's fine to hold these beliefs and apply them to your own lives, but don't think for two seconds to ram them down the throats of everyone through laws. Religious fanatics everywhere who insist upon heaping harm upon insult to women: Congratulations! You have won a well deserved pox upon your flaccid penises beyond the help of Viagra and antibiotics!


  1. Many of these so called "politicians" need to be ousted, but unfortunately it will take many to do so. I'm presently in the mindset of revolt as in driving an M1A1 Abrams up the capitol steps to make a point, ya know? On a good note, hope you've a wonderful weekend!

  2. I agree...I think most of congress should be thrown out, it's just getting stupid. What is this guys problem? Always with the religion/government thing..even tho it should be seperated it just keeps coming up and coming up as they continue to push.

  3. My their dicks crawl so far up inside their bodies that the become vaginas. Then maybe they will see it from the view point of a women......

  4. Just another reason I'm glad I moved out of Georgia! Every day I wake up someone in power is doing something even more stupid than the person the day before them. I am seriously getting concerned about the state of the country, and becoming increasingly happier that I hung on to enough connections and resources in Europe to dip out of necessary! Lol!!
